Quick Details
Ages 13+
$ 49
Voucher Passenger
For passengers with promo codes
$ 80
Seniors / Military
Senior age 62 and over
$ 45
Ages 12 and under
$ 40
Voucher Children
For passengers with promo codes
$ 80
Meet the Ocean’s Gentle Giants
Experience Whale Watching in NJ with a highly educated, and experienced naturalist on-board to explain everything that you are seeing. We may also have sightings of some dolphins, sharks and rays so don’t forget your camera!
Gift certificates available for purchase and there is always free parking!
Captain Alan has spent his whole life fishing in New Jersey. All of the legacy of the Miss Belmar has taught Alan how to be operate his boat in a professional and safe manner and how to furnish his vessel for maximum comfort for his customers. With a friendly and courteous crew, the Miss Belmar Princess gives you a memorable fishing experience so that you keep coming back again and again!
Food is not included in the price of your ticket. For your convenience, very moderately priced food and drinks are available for purchase.
A selection of hats and t-shirts are available for sale on board.
Gratuity is not included, but our crew works very hard and tips are always greatly appreciated!Please arrive 30 minutes prior to departure. We depart at the scheduled time. You don’t want to miss the boat!